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turns out Adaptive is pretty good

There seems to be a bug with Beekeeper and the Adjudicator of the Hunt that when Beekeeper is slain by a enemy, creating Bees, and then Adjudicator of the hunt attacks right after Adjudicator hits the Bees instead of the backline. I've only seen it happen in Endless and after a "retrigger all death abilitys on death" triggered, but those might not be related.

Hmmm noted. Could be that adjudicator selected their target before bees are properly registered in the correct position

no, there is definatly something happening. I just fought the Adjudicator of the hunt, and after my Beekeeper got killed the Adjudicator attacked the Bees instead of my backline

while I do not think this image conveys it very well, Adjudiator of the hunt just attacks my Bees in the front instead of my reclaimer in the back line
(1 edit) (+1)

Appreciate the report, I believe that it's indeed a bug and I'll definitely investigate and fix it.

I was just saying that this bug happens probably because when bees are being summoned, adjudicator has already (secretly) started their turn, at which point the bees are not registered in the follower list yet and their "aggro" value still extremely low. So, when adjudicator is choosing their target, they thought the bees are the back-most followers based on their aggro value, even though the bees are actually in the front. Probably all because I forgot to add a delay on beekeeper's death to stop adjudicator acting to early or something like that.

unrelated question, what are Bees? are they like tamed Cinder Flies because they look kind of simaler

Good observation. But the answer will have to wait until we update codex and write each follower a short story

Okay so, follow up another Adjudicator bug

So, as you see in the combat log, despite the fact I had Hound in the backline Adjudicator attacks my Injector in the front line

I think Adjudicator is just broken, because I had no summons, nothing weird, and Adjudicator attacked the frontline anyway

that's really weird indeed...

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Unrelated, but "Seeking Seeker" is a funny name. 

My favorite build is the "sea of bees." It's simple, Mirroring Beekeeper(s), Hellhound(s), and a incarnator then you have a wall that can survive anything

put a mirroring flagbearer in the front and you have a perfect build

Deleted 71 days ago

Oh wow. Failsafe is when the game can't generate enemies that meet all the requirements. I never tested it this far down because I thought it's impossible...


This is INCREDIBLE. The mechanics are quick to engage with while maintaining a depth for endless play. I defeated the dragon on my second run, and by no means was it easy. Something I really appreciated was how I wasn't necessarily severely punished for experimenting with Combat aspects -- however something I did not enjoy was how certain aspects did not function with whomever they were assigned to. I only wish for incompatible abilities to not be allowed. 

The Maze is your best inclusion yet…! It appeared during endless mode with a handful of other baddies, and my jaw dropped.

I like it so much because it completely shakes up a build that depends on synergies between units in order to work as well as it does. This build was soundly trounced when the Maze scattered it all over the place.

This game is so well done. When can people start throwing their money at you as thanks and/or encouragement to continue development? …Asking for a friend.

one day i'll hit 100, thank you for adding fast foward but 2 times speed is not enough lol. my units revive 3 times and it is still not enough.
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Good boy <3

Love your work, looking forward to more!


You guys should find a way to port this into mobile! I would love to play it during a long trip or so 

This is a super game! Audio and visuals are well designed and do well to set the mood for the game.

Minor suggestion: I think the Winemaker's combat trait should be updated to read "After taking damage, give another random follower +1/+1 until end of combat". As currently implemented, it seems like the Winemaker cannot give himself the bonus, so rewording the trait for clarity would be helpful.

good point

Absolutely in love with this game. So clean and polished, love the colors too. If anything, it'd be nice to have some more varied starts and a way to speed up at least the start

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I wonder what's the LORE of this game... Why are WE the one to banish the dragon?, are we the chosen one?, if then why?

I love the game, its has a lot of replayability. 

you want to have a shitton of fate and deal fuckton of Random damages? Its possible!

you want to have  a party of wanderers and still win? Yes you can (I fucking love traits!)

I love the part when beating the dragon!

i had the sculptor summon a copy of himself, twice, and each of those made 2 statues per support card. the dragon's second fight with me only lasted 1 turn. the fight before that, i didn't have the sculptor copy.

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i was near......

Are there only 3 forms for the Dragon boss? After noticing that it changed if you didn't beat it first try I locked the follower who gives you a free carp encounter so I could end up at depth 58 with 1/5 core health, and I bought/used it right before getting to that 3rd form, but after that point the Dragon stopped changing, and I'm wondering if that's just the stopping point or if adding a Carp encounter mid-final-battle broke part of the encounter.

Yes, in the current version dragon only have 3 different levels. However it'll get a small rework with the upcoming update...

There a bug that Unit that have "Death give Faith" does not give faith at all 

Are you playing the download version? If so, can you send me the logs at C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\DefaultCompany\HolderOfPlace\Player.log right after the death effect failed to trigger? Someone else reported this bug earlier but I think it has something to do with PC settings. It'll be super helpful if I can take a look at your logs!!

In online play, it's actually every single upon death effect that doesn't trigger.

(1 edit) (+1)

Is everyone attacking simultaneously in your game? If so, that's not the intended behavior. Can you try if the build in this link (password: REDACTED) fix the problem for you?

OMG that is exactly what's happening. This build wonderfully fixes pretty much every issue I've come across playing the game.  Funnily you caught me in the middle of me writing a list of them which is now redundant.

Only pointers that actually stay relevant with that build:

  • I noticed summoning a lot of followers through stacking start of turn effects slows down the game a lot before attacking or after killing all targets. Not a big issue but it might run into scaling issues with your plans for endless mode or just a longer game in general. (Browser, Firefox)
  • Hunts would do better if you could give chase. As it stands they're not really a dilemma and more of a stat check. Either you can beat them and you get free stuff or you can't.  There'd be a lot more decisionmaking if it was more about how much damage one can afford to take chasing after them. What might also help is more "power-now" followers with drawbacks for the lategame. That niche could definitely broaden the possible strategies a lot.

Nice. Glad it works.

Solid feedback on hunt. I'm also not too satisfied with it yet...

Actually, in your game, is there any delay between followers and enemies' attacks? Or are they just sort of attacking simultaneously?

actually simultaneosly

YES!! Then I know what's wrong! Will fix it with the next update thanks!!

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both on dowload and web version(finally i be able to do summons build =)  )

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I uploaded a new experimental build here! (password: REDACTED)

That build (both web and PC version) should theoretically fix the problem, but I can't be sure because I can't find a PC with the correct culture setting to test it...If you have the time, can you check real quick whether the build works for you? You've been a great help, thanks for still sticking with this game!

Great game! The first time I beat the dragon, I ended on three sculptors, one of which would copy itself. This time, I ended with every single follower of mine being a summoning type. Also, I mirrored the follower that gives summons +2 dmg and hp. I love this game


Honestly I was surprised to learn how recently this game was uploaded. I played multiple games of this and was hoping to find a full release version but then I saw how recent everything was and can I just say wow. This was an incredible experience. Let me summarize my experience first time playing this game first. Initially I skipped tutorial because its more fun that way (lol) and so I accidentally made a faith build without understanding what faith did because I am very unobservant. Then I kept going until I lost simple enough and I had just assumed it was endless. Played a few more runs and made it finally to the “dragon” thing at the end and beat it with a hound tentacle obelisk double start of effect build that just is so fun to do. Honestly for every who says the in between loading is too slow I think aren’t in the atmosphere of the game because my takeaway was that it was supposed to feel like a long journey and a sort of a battle of attrition of sorts. I think the sounds in the game are a bit basic and each attack having different sounds wouldn’t be necessary but would be nice. Also if whoever's turn it currently is has their art displayed would also be cool. I absolutely love the titles that give followers an ability and it would be a great if there were hidden ones you can get from successful hunts or recruiting a follower when you have another specific follower. Im so interested in the lore of this game though. Like my initial reaction when playing and not reading anything was me assuming we were miners or something because of depth and designs but even after reading everything I still wonder about some things. Who am I playing as exactly? What is faith and why is it harvested from dead enemies? Whats with the pink faith faction and the red fighting faction? What is the core? Why do my characters revive after battle? Some of these may just be for gameplay purposes so you can ignore those but overall I mean to say I would love a story going on as you play. You could do what darksouls does and add lore through follower descriptions and item descriptions because right now when you click on them they are sort of blank except for what they literally do. This may make it easier for the average player to appreciate the lore of this world. Lastly if there was a system where a character is either ranged or melee damage then that opens up possibilities for traits like “if hit by ranged attack reduce incoming damage to 1” or “Upon death to melee, do 5 damage to attacker” etc. This makes abilities that would otherwise be too powerful become a specialty instead. Ive ranted long enough and disregard my feedback if its stupid or isnt what you are looking to do with this game. Whatever you decide I think this is an amazing work and support what you do with it.

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In one run I had a Speaker, a Mirroring Flagbearer, and a Supplicant whose ability was randomized by Birthing stone into "In combat, whenever an adjacent follower gains stats, this follower will gain the same amount." But when the Flagbearer copy was summoned, only it received the bonus stats from Speaker--the Supplicant's stats remained unchanged.

In another run, I had a Sculptor implanted with the Mirroring aspect, but the clone's start-of-battle ability would not consistently trigger; it only happened around 20% of the time (depths 40, 44, 46, and 49 had the clone Scultpor produce no statues; depth 42 had the clone sculptor produce statues).

In another run, I used a Rebirthing Stone on Obelisk & its ability remained the same.

when the mirrored sculptor failed to trigger, was there things like frame drop or anything weird in your game?

Not so far as I noticed. The abilities just kept triggering down the line.

Tried the build again; had a similar issue. Got a Mirroring Sculptor just before Depth 30, and only one of the two triggered their follower-spawning ability at depths 30, 46, and 49. 

Yes. Found out that if you summoned too many followers at the same time, some of them will be skipped over and not registered into the followers list. Tomorrow's update will fix it!

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Yes, the undying deck is cannon. Every piece here is undying invoked; except for the revived gate (it's mirroring which is summoning another one of it at 1/1).
Well, with this deck you can revive up to 3 times. This deck is hard to build and requires so much luck.
Tips for beginners:
You have to rush your faiths with the "on death: gives 2 faiths". DONT buy the "at start: gives faith", he's trash. Try to save as much faiths as you can while playing safe. Until 14 faiths, you can now get some high-tier cards. The point is that you need to grab some high-tier cards to decide which path you follow: whether its summoner path or copy-chaser or multiple-attack or health-buffer, it's up to you. Have fun with the game.


wow. just wow. looks freaking awesome!

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I feel like too many of the aspect implants are tuned towards non-support followers, while there aren't any that specifically support all-support strategies. And there aren't very many all-support strategies that don't involve Sculptor; that feels a bit limiting, compared to the wide variety of all-non-support strategies this game has.


Definitely. And I think the majority of the problem stems from the lack of an alternative of attacking and attack damage (i.e. spell damage vs minion attack in hearthstone). Because in current deck you always have to kill enemies with followers' attack damage, support followers end up feeling like "regular followers that can't attack" instead of their own completely different thing; Even sculptor is sort of like "turn all support followers into 2/4". The dynamics between support follower's trait damage and active follower's attack is one of my faction concepts, and I'm really excited to create a deck where support and active follower has equal weighting when we get to factions.


A little bit of feedback, hope it helps:

  • If there's a way to shorten the animation between floors, I missed it.
  • Multiattacks provide too little feedback, it was really hard to see if they stack or not.
  • Also found a bug when summoning too many units (2x start of turn effect + the dog thingy + 3 units with tentacles) your units just vanish and attack from off--screen.

I've very much enjoyed playing this and hopefully I'll come back ta bunch o enjoy it plenty more.


Not the dev, but.

2. They stack additively (I've tested this)

3. I doubt it's a bug, as the screen seems to be unable to show everything. Unless you mean it doesn't scroll to show the unit.

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This game is astounding.

It's short, it's sweet, it's deep, its world, despite the small lens it's viewed through, is enrapturing, the gameplay is addicting, and the strategic options are endless. It reminds me of Shogun Showdown, but with army- and deck- building elements that I can't help but fall in love with.

The art is amazing,I love the color palettes, and I adore the style, it looks like trading cards. And all of the detailing and symbols seem intricate and calculated, a perfect mix of mystical and futuristic.

The Faith system. THE FAITH SYSTEM. It's perfectly executed. It succeeds as a currency system, while also having parts in the combat system. How Faith is rewarded helps a single loss not completely spiral into an unavoidable failure.

The aesthetic. More about the art. The combat system itself. There is so much more I could say.

Are the characters human or mechanical? Are they a mix of both? Was this left intentionally ambiguous/contradictory? Was there a goblin kingdom, did they/it play a part in the kingdom's fall, and what exactly are the goblins, anyway? What are the shriekers and borers and every other horror of the wastes? Are there other groups like the Free Company? Is your following akin to the Free Party? Will there be an expanded version? Will there be a full lore explanation?

I've spent a long time playing strategy games on, and this has to be one of my favorites of all time. It is the chef's kiss of this site's TBS genre.

I could talk about this for hours, but I'm running out of time. Actually, could I talk to you about this game? Like, talk a lot?

Thank you so much for this absolute work of art.

P.S. "The Sculptor" + "The Obelisk" + "The Speaker" is the best combo I've found. Add "The Flagbearer" and "The Incarnator" and you have an undefeatable army of sculptures. "The Reclaimer" is a nice touch to have a massive monster at the end of the line.

P.P.S. I have done probably ~10-12 runs in just a few days, at the very least. Probably closer to 15. This game is amazing.


Thank you so much for your passionate comment! It’s so delightful and motivating for us hearing about your experiences after finally being able to share the game with you!

Please rest assured that more story and lore will be introduced into the game; and with the coming codex, hopefully many of your questions will be answered! Much of the lingering mysteries surrounding the kingdom and the dragon are yet to be unveiled~

Sincerely, thank you for playing and please look forward to what's coming next!

You're welcome, this game is deserving of every word I could give it.

This game will become something truly awe-inspiring, I have no doubt.

Lightkeeper triggers twice with hound (one for the first and one for the newly summoned one, even though that one doesn't summon anything). Also doesn't trigger on sculptor.

Noted. Thanks for pointing that out!

(1 edit) (+1)

I've played many roguelike games but this one is goat.

just use this build and you can win for sure. Btw, please neft summoners. The sculpture should have maximum summons or he's just too broken. Dog is good but instead of at the start, change it to until death would be less broken xd

sculptor is indeed very likely to be the most broken build rn...


So good, the UI is well-built, creating good vibe for adventures. Love how this creation be so simple that create greatness

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Have you thought about creating a list which I can view that stores the group of winning companions after every time I beat the dragon? The artwork is wonderful and I would also like to see how I won later.

Wonderful mechanism and game by the way. Love it.

(3 edits) (+1)

every upon death effect is not working when i used a follower that gained damage and hp(dowloaded version) and i losed cuz it gained nothing and i losed  



Which follower's death effect is not working?


actually everything related to death effect isnt working 


Is that only for that one run or every run? Either way that's really weird. If it's for every run, then the game should create a log at Users/username/AppData/LocalLow/DefaultCompany/HolderOfPlace. It will be super helpful if you can send me your log right after a death effect failed to trigger! (e.g. just start a new run, buy a supplicant and make it die in combat)

You can just post it here or email me at

(1 edit) (+1)

right now i tried dowloading again and i did get a a follower that gives damage to all units on DEATH but it gave none

(just a silly question what represents "YOU" in the game some kind of bishop?)

Deleted 145 days ago
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i tried on another computer and the problem persist (now on the web version)


I think either it's something I'm completely not aware of or it has something to do with your language setting messing up with parsing numbers (e.g. your language use comma for decimals). I think I had solved it in earlier builds but maybe the newer codes messed it up again. If that's the case, the web version shouldn't have the same problem. I'll double check all my parsing code later.

as for what's YOU, uh...future narrative content will help with that


do you pretend to put this game into steam??


Eventually yes


This unit didn't copy familar's nor templor's stats


when the flag guy dided 5 other followers +1 attcak, prosoector didn't copy.

when familar copied highest attack, prosoector didn't copy.

when templor increase increase attack form attacking, prosoector didn't copy

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll have to double check but there's a chance that prospector's trait doesn't interact with familiar at all, nor does familiar interact with other familiars. This is for the most part a technical constraint, and I haven't decided on what to do with it yet


Love the game, it's so much fun! Keep up the hard work! 

I do have one question. What will the other factions look like? 


We'll probably start working on factions only after reliquary, but current plan for second faction is to have a hero card and make everything else revolve around the hero. Third faction is followers with magnetic tag from hearthstone.

looking forward to it, keep up the hard work!  One last question, what is the reliquary?

Check the devlog!

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2nd thing i've noticed, is that normal units have their cost shown in the top right, but support units don't. Idk if its intentional, but it just feels inconsistent.




Yep! That's a bug


I don't write comments very often, but I just wanna say that I love the game. Love the pace, the art and concept of dark fantasy with sci-fi is amazing. I have great hopes for this project, hope you are well, sleep well, best regards and good bye.

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1 thing i've noticed through-out all my runs, is that it always seems to be that on the 1st Hunt, you either you have no trouble beating the boss, or you'd lose even if you chose to skip. So i find it rare to get a build with the power to lose to the boss, but still beat the enemies if you skip, and since theres no extra risk to the boss fight other than the difficulty, then i see no reason to skip it.

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So making the boss take like 2 lives, or making the enemy encounter easier/non-existent when skipped, or anything like that would be great.

yeah you have to kill the level 13 boss, lossing 1 life is nothing but losing the +1 capacity early is huge.


Noted! tbh I have never received feedback on skipped first hunt before. Will definitely look into it.


Absolutely love this game started with the demo now here perfect please be sure to update often and if possible please make sure all features are available in the itch version a lot of games usually fall short there


Also if you could code an endless mode as the next update you would be an absolute legend. I absolutely love seeing how far I can ramp just for fun


I've been playing this for a couple of hours everyday, for the last 2 weeks, now. This was my strongest end-game boss-fight roster yet: 


Nice! tbh I was expecting to see some sculptor shenanigans, but I guess incubating does make more sense


if you're targeting Steam, pls make this cross-platform. I will wishlist and buy it as soon as available, on Mac. And pls, build it for M-arch. 32bit is being deprecated everywhere, nowadays.

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you mean something like this? 27 (6,8)


LOVE THIS GAME. first time I've ever replayed a game this much and didn't feel tired after like 5 replays =D

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