Dragoon Hotfix

Originally planned to nerf dragoon with the next actual update, but then it just became too much...

  • Dragoon nerfed: "This follower can have up to 4 additional traits" (tip: artificer)
  • Relic of Multitude changed: "Each follower can have up to 3 additional traits"
  • Fixed Barrier still triggering Artificer.
  • Changed the corruption level of some relic modifiers to more closely match their difficulty.
  • Fixed some code that COULD be causing reliquary mode to lag; please let us know if it still lags or not!
  • Updated engine to Unity 6 in preparation of Unity Plus being gone; please let us know if there's anything weird!


V15.02.zip 103 MB
46 days ago
HolderOfPlace_Win_V15.02.zip 142 MB
46 days ago

Get Holder of Place


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Lag issue with Reliquary mode seems to be fixed, unless it only affects specific relics. Thank you very much.

When it comes to Reliquary mode, I've also noticed how I'd definitely enjoy some more drive to play it and all its variations. Even just a simple counter of total corruption earned when beating dragon or corruption * floors climbed would go a long way. But some achievements/challenges would be even cooler.

I just want "highest corruption level beaten"

good. having unlimited traits was so op. ima check about the lag soon.

now here's silly momento :3:

bro got plot armor 🙏😭
